Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Intro to Lewis and Clark Unit

Here is a Voki I created to introduce a unit on Lewis and Clark.

 Discussion Questions:  How do you feel about going on this journey?  What will be some of the challenges?  What about some of the rewards?  How do you think your families will feel?  What kind of people would be useful on your journey?  Why?
Students will be divided into groups of four.  Each student will have a different job to get ready for the "Mission to Mars":
1.  Design a "peace medal" to be given to any aliens you encounter.  Given a budget of $10, purchase some items to give as gifts.  Be prepared to share your rationale for the design of your medal and gifts.
2.  Practice creating and sending a coded message (in case of trouble) using the Jefferson Cipher located at:
3.  Create a list of items you will need.  Be prepared to share your reasons for each item.  You can get some ideas from:
4.  Plan your route across Mars.  Choose interesting places to visit.  Use Google to do an image search.  Be prepared to share why you chose this route.
Students will be given 30-45 minutes to create and research, culminating with a three-minute presentation to the class.

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